Friday 17 April 2009

World record for 3 and a 1/2 year old?!!

The innocent little chappie on the left, all of 3 and a 1/2 years old, has, I am reliably informed by my son in Cardiff, just completed a journey of 7.8 miles on his small green bike which he is now riding minus the stabilisers! The return leg of the trip was interupted with a visit to Macdonalds and he did at one stage near the end express a desire to lie down on the road and have a sleep!
Big brother was there as well by the way!
And they say they dont make them like they used to..................................!!!!
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1 comment:

Duncan said...

You forgot to tell them ay it was 4miles the day before and then a solid 3.2 miles yesterday. There has be talk about a bike ride to Edinburgh to see granpops & granma followed by a quick ride to South Africa to see grandad and granny!!!!