Saturday 27 March 2021

Weather's gone back to wet and windy again...

Before it all went windy and wet, things were looking good!
I even had the lawn mower out and managed to make stripes on the lawn!! It looks like it's back on the convential bike for a spell again as too much riding on the damaged ebike motor could cause toomuch repair cost, here's hoping the weather improves next week!

Tuesday 23 March 2021

I’ve actually managed a temporary repair that’s quite good!

I took the drive side crank off and then removed the chain ring from the ebike motor. There was a fair bit of free play in the shaft and I managed to pump a little grease into the small space that
appeared when I put pressure on the other crank, turning it every so often the grease seemed to be entering the bearing which I presumed must be pretty grease free. An easy 10 mile ride this afternoon appears to have worked the grease well into the bearing which is now runnung quietly again and the free play has virtuall disappeared, a little more was pumped in tonight and another gentle test run is planned for tomorrow!
Halfway round the gentle test ride today, tomorrow another one slightly longer is planned

Sunday 21 March 2021

My ebike motor's developed a problem and things don't look good!

A grinding, grating noise which can only be a collapsed bearing in the electric motor on the ebike ruined an otherwise great bike ride this morning, when we did just short of 30 miles and nearly 3500 feet of elevation. With problems with bike spares at the moment being hard to get it looks like Ernie the ebike is going to be out of commision for a good few weeks!
The new track up from Silverburn to Eastside Farm which we went up for the first time today, cutting out a boring section of the main road.
The river crossing which for the time of year considering the rain we had last month is remarkably low though if you hit a large boulder could still throw you off and result in a good soaking!
At the top of Allermuir where the noise from the e-motor was becoming embarrassing so we didn't hang around long before descending again!

Thursday 18 March 2021

And still the sun keeps shining, 3 days, thats almost unheard of in Scotland!!!

Even the sheep are becoming confused by the bright object in the sky.....
The river crossing has even gone down which is unusual for this time of year
Ah well, we'll just make the most of it while the goings good!

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Has summer arrived early, I wouldn’t bet on it!

Things were looking good up ther Pentland Hills these last 2 days but i refuse to get too excited by this sudden change in the weather!
This was as far as I went before turning for home

Sunday 14 March 2021

Can’t get much muddier than it was today

This was typical of a lot of the tracks today and coupled with the strong cold wind made the going quite tough
But there were dry bits as well, like the summit of Castlelaw, not much chance of standing water up there!
A fine view of Edinburgh on one of the descents

Wednesday 10 March 2021

The weather's turning stormy according to the forecasters

Am I just imagining it or am I really lifting the ebike over the gates and fences a lot easier these last few days?
The top of Capelaw, not the most striking of monuments or things to adorn the summit of a hill, is it??
The trip back down is always good with a nice view of the Pentlands Skyline and Glencorse Reservoir. Apparently we're in for a couple of stormy days

Monday 8 March 2021

Another trip on the acoustic!

The turning point in todays ride, I madeit to the Howe, returning with a tailwind!
The most noticeable difference is the weight compared to the ebike, makes lifting over fences so much easier

Friday 5 March 2021

A wee pedal on the old Giant Anthem for a change

A wee change today with a low level pedal on the acoustic non ebike Giant Anthem, took a good half hour to adjust to the lack of oomph!
Decided against trying to jump this, better a healthy coward than an injured hero, at least that was my thoughts!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Shorts on but the temperature was minus........and there was fog...

Frost on the grass, freezing fog in the air....not quite perfect conditions, but it's Scotland after all!
The army were conducting an exercise up in the Pentland Hills today but neither them nor us was disturbed, thank goodness, they had guns!