Monday 2 March 2020

It actually stayed dry today, well nearly all day.....

The weather has been really bad lately, I’ve only been out on average once a week this past month so when Clive phoned to say he had a day off work and would I accompany him on a trip up the Pentlands to talk about the ebike he’s planning to buy it was too good to turn down. We’d spent yesterday afternoon going round a few bike shops in Edinburgh and he’d more or less decided on the bike he wanted. It was also a good excuse to get out the house which is upside down with workmen renewing the bathroom!

Clive hadn’t done much biking recently either and found the going tough in the mud on his non ebike 

There’s always a pool of water to wash the bike in at least!

We decided the bridge was far enough in case the rain gods had heard we were out today 

A final pool of water to wash the wheels and we were homeward bound with a sky that looked as benign as it could possibly be!

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