There's been a route or two that's bugged us for sometime in our forays up the Pentlands, one of them being a track we've seen to the top of Black Hill but never been able to figure out how to get onto it, well today we managed somehow or other after a bit of hike-a-biking up through some heather, eventually reaching it and then slogging it out up to the top. The descent back down leaves room for improvement but that's for another day!
The next route to be done was the Skyline back from West Kip to Flotterstone involving five summits with a fair bit of pushing involved and with the weather being ideal today Baz and myself went for it, Roger unfortunately started to cramp so he bailed out after East Kip. The temperature which had been just above freezing when we started at 6am got up to nearly 60 degrees and was perfect. The final descent down from Turnhouse Hill to Flotterstone was brilliant and made all the climbing and pushing worth the effort. Over 4,400 feet of ascent in our 27 mile ride and not even a twinge of cramp!!