Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Lomond Hills of Fife (and how to get slightly lost in them)

Slightly lost at this point

Mid-day meal while we contemplate where we are

Ah!!! There's West Lomond (we think)

Baz andI decided on an Easter Monday trip to Fife to do the Lomond Hills there. We found the starting point at East Lomond easily enough and soon reached the summit there. The descent back down to the track heading westwards was a bit hairy but with a bit of hike-a-bike we made it OK. We could see West Lomond in the distance through the rain, thank goodness we'd put on the rain jackets, and after a bit reached it to find ourselves in low cloud which made things a bit tricky. The next hour was spent biking over rough tussocky grass, through heather and over semi bogs till we eventually came on a track which led us to Bishop Hill. We could see where we had to get to to return but two reservoirs were in the way so a detour through a forest was the next obstacle with trees down from the New Year storms this made biking dodgy and it was some time till we came out the other side. From there it was relatively easy to get back to the car park though a final shower of hail added to the fun (?). One mishap for me was the back wheel skidding on a metal drainage channel on a climb on a rough track and going down onto the stones with a thump. Apart from a cut knee and a bruised ego there was no damage and luckily no-one to hear the colourful language that accompanied the crash.
Just over 13 miles and a route we'll try again in better weather.  

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