Tuesday 15 March 2016

Riding buddies scattered around the world this week!

Baz starts the steps at the bottom of the shelter belt

Thanks to modern technology I can do multiple shots as he comes down them

Hey he;s down in one piece and I had to jump out the way smartish to avoid being flattened!
Me and my Monday riding mate, Kathy, on a day when the sun shone all the time!

Doing my best to look Mr Cool (and failing) but on a day like yesterday smiling was dead easy!

This is a view of Kathy I'm going to have to get used to as she gets faster every time we're out now, going to have to put sand in her tyres I think!

Clive's in New Orleans on a business trip (so he says anyway), Baz is down in London town with his work (so he says as well), so it's left to Kathy and me to keep the flag flying up in the Pentland Hills and we couldn't have picked a better day for it, bright sunlight and virtually no wind, perfect conditions for a longish ride with a good bit of climbing flung in as well. Just as well we went yesterday as today there's been low cloud and a slight drizzle, the Scottish weather never fails to keep you  guessing!!

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