Saturday 14 September 2019

Barrie's ebike is christened "The Blue Flash"!

What else could you call such a bonny looking bike, makes mine look like some pre-war model!
At least he gave me a little pedal on it just to whet my appetite for getting my Trek back which incidentally is getting a new frame under warranty so I'm looking forward to that!

A quick stop to puzzle out which is the most environmentally friendly means of travel, a horse or an ebike, hmmm, have to think about that...

A nonchalant looking Barrie who went one way on the winter loop while I went the other way on the non ebike, when we met up he'd done at least 5 miles more than me, but I've been assured my ebike will be back in my  hands by the end of next week, raring to go against "The Blue Flash"!!

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