Friday 4 October 2019

The frustration of being injured and not able to do the biking you really want to do.....

Whatever went twang down the back of my leg last week as I tried to jump on to my bike crossing a footbridge over the Tweed in Peebles has certainly curtailed my riding since then. The first few days were purgatory and I hobbled about sort of sideways, but at least as the week wore on the pain subsided and I was able to go for an easy ride on Wednesday to try out the leg. The pain was still there but not excessive and I did another easy ride today, Friday, but the constant fear of the "twang" remains and I'll take it easy for another week at least, whats really annoying is the fact that Barrie and Dougie are at Glentress today having fun....and I'm not there!!!!

At least when I went out on Wednesday the weather was first class!

Not quite so pleasant this morning but at least I got a few miles in albeit not very exciting ones, never mind I've got my hopes up for next weekend, fingers crossed!!

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