Sunday 21 March 2021

My ebike motor's developed a problem and things don't look good!

A grinding, grating noise which can only be a collapsed bearing in the electric motor on the ebike ruined an otherwise great bike ride this morning, when we did just short of 30 miles and nearly 3500 feet of elevation. With problems with bike spares at the moment being hard to get it looks like Ernie the ebike is going to be out of commision for a good few weeks!
The new track up from Silverburn to Eastside Farm which we went up for the first time today, cutting out a boring section of the main road.
The river crossing which for the time of year considering the rain we had last month is remarkably low though if you hit a large boulder could still throw you off and result in a good soaking!
At the top of Allermuir where the noise from the e-motor was becoming embarrassing so we didn't hang around long before descending again!

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