Sunday, 25 October 2015

Dark mornings, now earlier dark nights as well!

This morning at what we call "Gerhardt's Gate" (don't ask why"), the weather getting colder but at least it was dry if a bit greasy after some overnight rain.

A bit of shelter from the wind going through the trees along the side of Threapmuir Reservoir.

Anthea the Giant Anthem 29er went through the 1000 mile barrier since I bought her today, the back tyres getting replaced this week with a Nobby Nic, winter's on the way and I need more grip!

The clock changed back to GMT this morning and while it meant an hour longer in bed today it also signals earlier dark nights and means crap weather for biking ain't far away! Another 100 plus miles this week so I'm still on target for the 5200 miles by the end of the year, but it gets dodgy from now on with less daylight hours and the chance of snow. Fingers and everything else crossed!

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